Shonan Map

The New Shonan Legend - Tennyo, Dragon and Botamochi
Enoshima Benten bridge
Benzaiten Nakamise Shopping Area
Iwamotoro (former Iwamoto-in)
Enoshima Island Spa
Enoshima Shrine (Hetsunomiya)
Hoanden storage house
Yasaka Shrine
Enoshima Shrine (Nakatsunomiya)
Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden
The Enoshima panoramic tower
Enoshima Daishi
Gunenhosaizo Koushin Tower
Enoshima Shrine (Okutsunomiya)
Bentenmaru, the sightseeing boat
Joryu-ji Temple
Monument inscribed with Basho's haiku
Honren-ji Temple
Iwaya Caves at Enoshima
Kanbun Koshin Memorial Tower
Lover's hill
Katase Central Shopping Area
Morse Memorial
Katase Tatsunokuchi Shopping Area
Shoten Island
Shonan Enoshima Station, Shonan Monorail
Kanagawa Women's Center
Suwa Shrine
Enoshima Yacht Harbor
Enoshima Aquarium
Ryukomyojin Shrine (koshigoe)
Hogen-ji Temple
Honjo-ji Temple
Kangyo-ji Temple
Myoten-ji Temple
Katase-Enoshima Station, Odakyu Electric Railway Tozen-ji Temple
Shonan Subana-dori Shopping Area Honryu-ji Temple
Guide post of the Enoshima Road Koshigoe Shopping Area
Enoshima Station, Enoshima Electric Railway Manpuku-ji Temple
Ryukomyojin Shrine (Tatsunokuchi) Koyurugi Point
Ryuko-ji Temple Koshigoe fishing port
Historical remains of the execution site
Koyurugi Shrine
Suwa Shrine Koyurugi Shrine Koshigoe fishing port Koyurugi Point Manpuku-ji Temple Koshigoe Shopping Area Honryu-ji Temple Tozen-ji Temple Myoten-ji Temple Kangyo-ji Temple Honjo-ji Temple Hogen-ji Temple Ryukomyojin Shrine (koshigoe) Enoshima Aquarium Shonan Enoshima Station, Shonan Monorail Katase Tatsunokuchi Shopping Area Katase Central Shopping Area Kanbun Koshin Memorial Tower Honren-ji Temple Joryu-ji Temple Historical remains of the execution site Ryuko-ji Temple Ryukomyojin Shrine (Tatsunokuchi) Enoshima Station, Enoshima Electric Railway Guide post of the Enoshima Road Shonan Subana-dori Shopping Area Katase-Enoshima Station, Odakyu Electric Railway Enoshima Benten bridge Kanagawa Women's Center Shoten Island Morse Memorial Enoshima Daishi The Enoshima panoramic tower Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden Enoshima Shrine (Nakatsunomiya) Yasaka Shrine Hoanden storage house Enoshima Shrine (Hetsunomiya) Enoshima Island Spa Ebisuya Iwamotoro (former Iwamoto-in) Benzaiten Nakamise Shopping Area Bentenmaru, the sightseeing boat Enoshima Yacht Harbor Lover's hill Iwaya Caves at Enoshima Monument inscribed with Basho's haiku Chigo-ga-Fuchi Enoshima Shrine (Okutsunomiya) Gunenhosaizo Koushin Tower

[The New Shonan Legend] - Slideshow

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Last Updated: September 21, 2016